This Is Rich Lord

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Differing management styles

Management styles affect delivery outputs

I have very different feelings when thinking about some of the managers I have worked for in the past. Some have allowed me to be me, to grow and to develop in my work and they've seen the benefits of this as I take on more responsibility, bigger pieces of work, and delivering results.

Some though have been micro-managers where they have to have eyes on every aspect of the work all the time, double and triple checking everything even though it wasn't necessary. I was boxed in and minimised as to what I was capable of. I wasn't permitted to learn, develop, expand, be me, or as a result of this deliver half of what I was capable of doing.

Several managers though have been the absolute opposite end of the spectrum. They gave me a task or a project, explained the remit or got me to discover the parameters myself, and gave me the space, resources, time, and opportunity to make it mine, and to excel in getting the job done. Guess how different the outputs were with these managers than with the previous type?

We all need space to be who we are, who we can be, and what levels we can perform at. I don't mean who I am outside of work, but in the professional environment. You can like the most outlandish of hobbies or music or films or whatever cultural and personal lifestyle choices, but within the work environment you can still be given the scope and opportunity to exceed expectations.

Being allowed to be who you are is about having the trust to deliver. It is about someone believing in you, supporting you when you need it, pushing you to explore possibilities, and to allow you the space to deliver results and to deliver well. This can all be done and be kept up to speed with progress, with tackling difficulties, and in a supportive manner.

These are the leaders I have looked up to, the ones who create opportunities. They enable possibilities. They trust and recognise your capabilities. They know that things get done and they get done well. By opening up rather than locking down, more can be achieved together. As I look to move back into the working world soon, this is the culture, environment, and mindset that I will be wanting to be around. When that happens, everyone wins.