This Is Rich Lord

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Supporting at instead of running a marathon

My 7 marathons - 2014-2023

Yesterday I was supporting at the Yorkshire Marathon. Earlier this year I was hoping to be running it but health issues got in the way of all that. I was a little bit in trepidation as to how I would feel being at a marathon knowing that my marathon days are behind me now.

I first did a marathon back in 2014 and went on to run 7 in total. I have always enjoyed race day, maybe not the race itself, but I have always enjoyed the race day overall. It's a day of celebrating people and humanity. There is a lot of emotion on race days and overwhelmingly it is positive emotion.

Camped out at the side of the road watching thousands of people run, jog, and walk past, there was connections with people. Some were saying thank you for the support, some nodded, some put thumbs up, some smiled, some you could just see recognition in their eyes that they appreciated the support.

This was two way human interaction with primarily complete strangers. This is how amazing race day is. When you as a runner see someone cheering you on it gives you a lift. It touches you. When you as a supporter see the lift you are giving to others, it makes you want to cheer them on even more.

I admit that there was a part of me that thought 'I'm glad I'm not doing this anymore!' but then again, after the last ten years of marathon training I am sure that this can be forgiven. One thing that was definitely there for me was the part of me that thought 'I'm glad I can still be a part of this.'

Being able to pass on support, knowledge, understanding, and recognition is what I was grateful to receive when I was learning how to run long distance and to work out what worked for me, what reactions I would need to cope with along the way.

I've already given thanks over the years to those who have helped me achieve those marathon runs of my own, but this is a post to say a big well done to those who are starting or are early on in their long distance running journey, and to thank you for the positivity I received from people being on the sidelines watching on, seeing all the amazing work that people were doing whilst earning their deserved bling.

Smiles Through The Miles isn't just about your miles you run yourself, but it is also about being happy for others for their miles, and being around those who are running towards their own goals now.