I Can't Do This!

I CAN Do This!

On my long run earlier today, there were times when I had a number of moments of doubt.

"I CAN'T do this!"

I thought about that doubting and what my reaction should be. I repeated to myself "I CAN do this!"

What was the difference? Just one letter. T. That's the difference between I can't do this and I can do this.

T stands for TRUST. We need to trust in ourselves that we can do this. We need to trust in the logic. We need to trust in our ability. We need to trust in our inner strength. We need to trust.

Trust is the difference between I CAN and I CAN'T. When we doubt, we lose sight of trust. When we trust, we minimise the effects of doubt.

I CAN do this!


What would be your ideal job?


Make time for what is important