We are not all just one thing

We are not all just one thing.

People are complex beings. We aren't easily defined as one thing or another. We interact mostly with others in small circles, rarely multiple circles, but we are still the sum of all our parts.

Some may know me as a runner or a running coach, some may know me through work (remember that?!) or through professional encounters, some may have read or listened to my writing or podcasting, and some may know me most through going places together.

The point of this is that we aren't all just one of these. We are ALL of those. We are memories and shared experiences. We are interesting and exciting people when we do new things together. We are ourselves behind closed doors. We share stories when we meet. We support each other and celebrate together.

We are all of this. We are a rich tapestry of experiences, thoughts, beliefs, values, skills and abilities. Life gets richer when we find out more about each other, through new interactions, though finding out new things, and through reminiscing on times gone by.

We are not all just one thing. We are unique and multi-faceted. There is so much more to all of us under the surface than how we know each other. I'm not just a runner, work colleague, writer, podcaster, or someone who goes on travels. We are the sum of all our parts. It is this that we should celebrate our complexities.


We need to think wider than the world we live in each day


Take charge of what you can control