We need to think wider than the world we live in each day

We need to think wider than the world we live in each day
If there is one thing I've noticed from not going to a regular place of work several times a week (or more pre-pandemic), it is that we can get stuck in the habit of just thinking small too often.
This can be living in the 'home locality' too much, or 'home locality' and 'work locality' too much. We need to look wider than these places. We need that variety, that exploration, that adventure to perk us up, to expand us, and to educate us.
It becomes too easy to just operate locally, same shops, same pubs or entertainment places, and then same routine when we go to work, same journeys, same old each time. This is fine and functional, but does it do anything to light that fire inside us?
As people we need to have that fire fanned regularly, that surge of energy, that lift, that encouragement, that excitement, that break from the old routine. Doing something different every now and again helps us keep on keeping on. They say that variety is the spice of life. We need this variety. We need this spice. We need that je ne sais quoi.
By thinking of places to go, looking forward to trips and adventures, it gives us a lift. By looking back on places we have been, it keeps us motivated and driving on. We need that in our lives. Before you know it, one week of doing the same thing, turns into a month of doing the same thing. Before you know it, you've done nothing out of the ordinary for too long.
We need excitement. We need fun. We need adventure. We need to think wider than the world we live in each day.


It's not about having time but about using your time.


We are not all just one thing